My name is Matt Wilson. I live in Cleveland Heights with my wife and children. If you’re a programmer in Ohio, you might be working on something I got started. I founded and built, a real-time staffing management tool for large health care facilities. I built the first version of SpotHero. Same with Complion.
In past years, I was one of the crew that organized PyOhio, but after ten years, I passed the torch.
These days, I run 216 Software, which is a tiny software shop that builds prototypes of interesting ideas.
In my spare time, I do stuff and then describe it in this blog.
Nobody asked, but the name t+1 is a reference to the economic modeling and forecasting code I worked on while I was at the Fed. That’s where I was first introduced to the joy of programming. Anyhow, t is often the name of the the variable used to measure time, and t+1 refers to one time period into the future.
There’s a dorky economics joke about how our money should say “in t+1 we trust” instead of “in God we trust” because we don’t have a hard currency.
My email address is [email protected]. Feel free to contact me.