The Ohio Technology Investment Tax Credit is a fantastic boon to starting businesses. But applying for it is really boring.
Anyway, when I opened up vim to work on my application, I found a really good tip of the day, copied below:
VimTip 295: Line/word/file/whatever completion
In addition to vimtip #291 you can use whole
completion mode. It can complete whole lines (<C-x>l, then <C-p>, <C-n>), filenames (<C-f>), keywords, words from custom dictionary and many, many others. During coding it usually saves a LOT of key strokes 😉 This mode has many other powerful features, for example when completing word (by &;tlC-x><C-p> or just by <C-p>) you can continue completion with another <C-x<>-p>. For example, after writing such text: this is first line
second line is herePlacing cursor at third line and pressing <C-x>l will double last line – <C-n>, <C-p> in this moment can be used to manipulate completed line. Or, instead of completing whole line you can press ‘f’ and then complete by <C-p> which will result in ‘first’ word. After that you can <C-x><C-p> to get ‘line’ word (since this is next word after ‘first’). Try yourself for other powerful combinations.
Now I just need a completion mode that will calculate intelligent sales forecasts, and this application would be done.
Thanks for sharing those useful info.