nicety (plural niceties)
- A small detail that is nice or polite to have but isn’t necessary.
Make a comma-separated string
>>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> ', '.join(x)
'a, b, c'
Isn’t that prettier than some big loop?
If you want to join a list of elements that aren’t strings, you’ll have to add a step:>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> ', '.join(map(str, x))
'1, 2, 3'
I’m using map to convert every element to a string first.
Choose a random element from a sequence
>>> from random import choice
>>> choice(x) # doctest: +SKIP
The doctest: +SKIP text is just there because the element returned is randomly chosen, and so I can’t predict what the value will be.
Use keyword parameters in your larger string templates
Well-named keywords make big string templates MUCH easier to deal with:>>> tmpl = """
... Dear %(display_name)s,
... Greetings from %(origin_country)s! I have millions of
... %(currency_type)s in my bank account and I can send it all to you if
... you first deposit %(amount)s %(currency_type)s into my account
... first.
... Sincerely,
... %(alias)s
... %(origin_country)s
... """
Seeing the key names makes it much easier to remember what gets interpolated. Also, it makes it easier to use the same values more than once.
Usually I pass in a dictionary to the template, but sometimes I do this instead:>>> display_name = 'Matt'
>>> origin_country = 'Nigeria',
>>> currency_type = 'US dollars'
>>> amount = '250.00'
>>> s = tmpl % locals()
I'd write the 2nd example using a list comrehension:
>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> ', '.join([str(z) for z in x])
or using a generator comprehension for python 2.4 and up :
>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> ', '.join(str(z) for z in x)
which is is more natural (at least for me 😉
Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, I use list comprehensions and generator expressions plenty too.
In this one case, I like map just because it is so much shorter.
A variation on the first tip is to make a list from a string.
For example, if I want days of the week in a list, I can do:
>>> 'monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday'.split()
It is much simple than having to type lot of quotes and comas.
David — great point! Reminds me of the qw{ } stuff available in
perl. But much simpler.
Reminds me of Ruby's array literals:
a = %w( ant bat cat dog )
After a year of Ruby I still prefer Python.
Thanks for that formulas, I maybe need that for sometime.
– Ambient –
With all the above qualities do you still american flag wallpaper wish to call it a herb? Better to rename it as a great human heritage!
Got it!!!! now I know what my mistake in the coding is, the past few days my heads seems to be on the clouds and I just can't figure this one
thanks for the basic python tutorial, I'm really in need of this kinds of information, it was a great learning experience just by reading your post..
this is very helpful post. thanks mate
Very good job. It will be very handy. Thanks for sharing.