Found a possible error in chapter 7 of the TurboGears book

I bought the TurboGears book about two weeks ago, and I have been working through it. I like the book in general, but I agree with the reviewers on Amazon that complain about the number of errors. I can’t think of another programming book that I’ve read with this many errors.

All of the errors I noticed are little glitchy typographical errors, rather than incorrect theory. The authors really do a good job of illustrating the MVC approach to web design, so I’m glad I bought it.

Anyway, this page lists mistakes found after publication, and the community of readers seems to be doing a good job of helping each other out.

I think I might have found another tiny error. This code appears at the bottom of page 109:

class ProjectFields(widgets.WidgetsList):
title = TextField(label="project", validator=validators.NotEmpty())
client_revenue = widgets.TextField(validator=validators.Number())
project_form = widgets.TableForm(fields=ProjectFields(), action="save_project_test")

I don’t see the point in using both TextField and widgets.TextField. But more importantly, I think the indentation is wrong in the last line. I don’t think project_form is supposed to be an attribute of the ProjectField class.

I think the code should look more like this:

class ProjectFields(widgets.WidgetsList):
title = widgets.TextField(label="project", validator=validators.NotEmpty())
client_revenue = widgets.TextField(validator=validators.Number())

# Moved outside the class.
project_form = widgets.TableForm(fields=ProjectFields(), action="save_project_test")

But maybe I’m missing something. I posted to the TurboGears Book mailing list, so hopefully I’ll find out.

3 thoughts on “Found a possible error in chapter 7 of the TurboGears book

  1. Hi Matt,

    I think you’re definitely right with both things you point out being errors. Even without knowing the chapter or the full code in question, the code, as it appears in the book, would plainly not work, because “ProjectFields” is used in the class definition, before its definition even finished.

    When you join the Google Group for the book, you can edit the errata page yourself and add your findings.



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