How to see the to-do list for pitz

pitz is (among other things) a to-do list tracker like trac or bugzilla or version one.

I’m storing the list of stuff to do for pitz in the pitz source code. Here’s how to see the unfinished stuff in pitz.

Get a copy of the code

$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/matt/pitz/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 621, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (604/604), done.
remote: Total 621 (delta 383), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (621/621), 98.52 KiB | 135 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (383/383), done.

Install it, probably in a virtualenv

$ source ~/virtualenvs/pitz/bin/activate
$ python develop

Fire up pitz-shell

I have written one command-line tool so far: pitz-shell. Use it to start a python interpreter loaded with any pitz project. Here’s how to start a session for pitz itself:

$ pitz-shell pitz/pitzfiles/project-99c58812-5c1c-4fec-874c-c998933ba88b.yaml
/home/matt/virtualenvs/pitz/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipython-0.9.1-py2.6.egg/IPython/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
from sets import Set

pitz-shell imports a bunch of classes and makes an object named p (p stands for project). p has all the information about the project described in the yaml file passed in as an argument to pitz-shell. The __repr__ method on p gives some summarized data:

In [1]: p

p.todo is a property that just returns a bag of unfinished tasks for the project:

In [4]: p.todo

You can print any bag to see all the contents of the bag, and p.todo is no different:

In [5]: print(p.todo)
Stuff to do

(23 task entities)

0: Add support for something like 'ditz grep' (unknown status)
1: Update entities by loading a CSV file (unknown status)
2: Figure out why some tasks are not converting pointers to objects (unknown status)
3: Support intersection, union, and other set operations on bags (unknown status)
4: Demonstrate really simple tasks and priorities workflow (unknown status)
5: Support a .pitz config file with all pitz scripts (unknown status)
6: Add a todo property on project (or maybe bag) (unknown status)
7: Write code to use strings as keys (unknown status)
8: Prompt to save work at the end of an interactive pitz session (unknown status)
9: Make it possible to support a filter like attribute!=value (unknown status)
10: Write code to support sorting by anything (unknown status)
11: Support hooks (unknown status)
12: Write an attributes property on a bag that lists count of each attribute in any entities (unknown status)
13: Allow two bags to be compared for equality by using their entities (unknown status)
14: Make it easy to list each employee's tasks (unknown status)
15: Support a $PITZDIR env var to tell where yaml files live (unknown status)
16: Demonstrate release -< iteration -< user story -< task workflow. (unknown status) 17: Load new entities from a CSV file (unknown status) 18: Support grep on entities (unknown status) 19: write data to yaml in order (unknown status) 20: Support entity subclasses like releases, iterations, user stories, and tasks (unknown status) 21: A bag should dump to a single CSV file (unknown status) 22: Support using substring of name as name (unknown status)

That's how you see the to-do list for pitz!

In a future post, I'll show how to make new tasks and how to update tasks.

I also need to explain how Pitz lets you come up with whatever wacky workflow you want. When you set up a pitz project, you can use the classes I came up with, or subclass Entity into your own weird types. In a future post, I'll show I'm using pitz to model an agile development system using releases, iterations, checkpoints, user stories, tasks, and people.

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