A new pitz release (1.1.2)

I’m using semantic versioning now, so I bumped from 1.0.7 to 1.1.0 after adding a few tweaks to the command-line interface. Then I discovered a silly mistake in the setup.py file, and released 1.1.1. Then I realized I did the fix wrong, and then released 1.1.2 a few minutes later.

The –quick option

Normally, running pitz-add-task will prompt for a title and then open $EDITOR so I can write a description. After that, pitz will ask for choices for milestone, owner, status, estimate, and tags.

Sometimes I want to make a quick task without getting prompted for all this stuff.

I already had a --no-description option that would tell pitz-add-task to not open $EDITOR for a description. And I already had a --use-defaults option to just choose the default values for milestone, owner, status, estimate, and tags.

But when I just want to make a quick to-do task as a placeholder, writing out all this stuff:$ pitz-add-task --no-description --use-defaults -t "Fix fibityfoo"

is kind of a drag. So I made a --quick option (also available as -q) that does the same thing as --no-description --use-defaults.

The -1 alias for –one-line-view

This is the typical way that a to-do list looks:$ pitz-my-todo -n 3
slice from To-do list for matt

(3 task entities, ordered by ['milestone', 'status', 'pscore'])

Write new CLI scripts (witz!) to talk to pitz-webapp 9f1c76
matt | paused | difficult | 1.0 | 1
webapp, CLI
Starting up and loading all the pitz data at the beginning of ever...

Experiment with different task summarized views 0f6fee
matt | unstarted | straightforward | 1.0 | 1
Right now, the summarized view of a task looks a little like this:...

Add more supported URLs to pitz-webapp 295b5f
matt | unstarted | straightforward | 1.0 | 0
I want to allow these actions through the webapp: * Insert a ne...

Incidentally, notice the -n 3 option limits the output to the first three tasks.

Tasks also have a one-line view:$ pitz-my-todo -n 3 --one-line-view
slice from To-do list for matt

(3 task entities, ordered by ['milestone', 'status', 'pscore'])

Write new CLI scripts (witz!) to talk to pitz-webapp 9f1c76
Experiment with different task summarized views 0f6fee
Add more supported URLs to pitz-webapp 295b5f

Typing out --one-line-view is tedious, so now, -1 is an alias that works as well:$ pitz-my-todo -n 3 -1
slice from To-do list for matt

(3 task entities, ordered by ['milestone', 'status', 'pscore'])

Write new CLI scripts (witz!) to talk to pitz-webapp 9f1c76
Experiment with different task summarized views 0f6fee
Add more supported URLs to pitz-webapp 295b5f

5 thoughts on “A new pitz release (1.1.2)

  1. Hi Matt, I like what you are doing with pitz – I'm a ditz fan, but am not sure how healthy ditz will be going forward.

    Do you have a git repo available? the pitz homepage is a little spare right now…

  2. The github repo is here: https://github.com/mw44118/pit

    I just saw your post on the ditz-talk list and was maybe thinking

    about mentioning pitz.

    Yeah, I would love to get another person's input into the project.

    pitz is stable enough that I use it for everything now. There's still

    lots of room for improvement, but it works.

    There's some stuff that's much better about pitz; like you can rename

    milestones without all hell breaking loose. But ditz is still faster

    and has a prettier web interface.

    After you clone that repo, you should be able to do

    $ python setup.py develop

    And then you'll get all the dependencies installed also.

    Then try running the tests by typing:

    $ nosetests

    and then if all that works, hurray!

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