The TurboGears docs show how to assign validators for individual parameters in the validate decorator like this:
@validate(validators={'a':validators.Int(), 'b':validators.DateConverter()})
def f(self, a, b, tg_errors=None):
# Now a is already an integer and b is already a object,
# unless there were some validation errors.
That’s great, but there are some validations that depend on numerous parameters at the same time. For example, you might want to make sure that an employee’s hire date precedes the termination date.
I already knew how to subclass validators.Schema to do this, and then pass that instance into the validate decorator like this:
class MattSchema(validators.Schema):
a = validators.Int()
b = validators.DateConverter()
chained_validators = [blah] # pretend that blah does some compound validation.
def f(self, a, b)
This approach is fine, but today I discovered that it is also possible to define a Schema inline, inside the validate decorator, and specify the chained_validators right there, like this:
def f(self, a, b):
What’s the point? Well, it seems wasteful to define a class and hide it in another file if that schema is only going to be used for exactly one controller. Also, this makes it really fast for me to mix and match comound validators with controllers. I don’t need to pop open my separate validators file where all my elaborate schemas live. I can define them right here.
I’m very forgetful too, so I like to keep my code shallow so that I can instantly see what the heck something does. With all the validators right there, I can easily figure out what the system intends to do.
However, I would define a Schema subclass as soon as I see that I need the same thing twice.
I’m happy that the FormEncode authors had the foresight to support this inline approach along with the declarative style.