Learning a new vim trick is more interesting than working on my Technology Investment Tax Credit application

The Ohio Technology Investment Tax Credit is a fantastic boon to starting businesses. But applying for it is really boring.

Anyway, when I opened up vim to work on my application, I found a really good tip of the day, copied below:

VimTip 295: Line/word/file/whatever completion

In addition to vimtip #291 you can use whole completion mode. It can complete whole lines (<C-x>l, then <C-p>, <C-n>), filenames (<C-f>), keywords, words from custom dictionary and many, many others. During coding it usually saves a LOT of key strokes 😉 This mode has many other powerful features, for example when completing word (by &;tlC-x><C-p> or just by <C-p>) you can continue completion with another <C-x<>-p>. For example, after writing such text:

this is first line
second line is here

Placing cursor at third line and pressing <C-x>l will double last line – <C-n>, <C-p> in this moment can be used to manipulate completed line. Or, instead of completing whole line you can press ‘f’ and then complete by <C-p> which will result in ‘first’ word. After that you can <C-x><C-p> to get ‘line’ word (since this is next word after ‘first’). Try yourself for other powerful combinations.

Now I just need a completion mode that will calculate intelligent sales forecasts, and this application would be done.

One plus-side of working in a startup

Some guy wrote this diary post at k5 complaining about stupid corporate-speak phrases like

Going forward, I’d like to touch base about getting more value-added metrics concerning the mission critical legacy informatics.

I used to hear meaningless gibberish like that all the time.

Now that I’m working for myself, I may have a lot of stress about other stuff, and way more work to do, but at least I don’t have to hear that kind of idiocy.

We’re presenting at the Jump Start Angel Fair!

The First Annual Cleveland Angel Fair picked us to present. This is fantastic news.

In other news, spent the day writing code in the house by myself. The wind is howling outside, and my fingers are shaking because I refuse to turn on the heater. I haven’t gotten so many hours of consecutive geek time in years.

This is the life. I can’t believe that I used to take a shower, put on clean clothes, and interact with humans every day.